Belly fat lose by exercise best way :

Exercise Techniques To Boost Fat Loss

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Because of the decreased blood flow to these areas on a woman's body, one way to help boost the rate of fat loss is to be sure you're performing activities that will get the blood moving. Running tends to do this quite well, so that's a good option for lower body fat loss (running uphill will be even better since it's of higher intensity).
Many women will have to accept the fact that more cardio training will be required for them to lose body fat, especially as they approach the leaner levels.
Keep in mind though that there are also many women who go too far with this. When you're doing hours and hours of cardio a day, the body, particularly the lower region, can start to hold water weight, actually giving you a softer appearance. In this situation many women find that after dramatically decreasing the amount of cardio they are doing, they tend to look a great deal leaner.
Weight training will also be a must for females since that causes the greatest boost to the metabolic rate immediately after the session, really promoting faster fat loss. Women who place a much higher emphasis on cardio training in comparison to weight training are the ones who typically lose greater portions of muscle mass, becoming softer looking rather than lean and defined.

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